Want your replies to come to a different email address? WebMail allows you to change your "reply to" address. Here's how:
1. Click the Gears icon located at the upper right corner of the email interface and select the Mail Tab.
2. Under the Preferences link, click on "Change ‘Reply To: Address’" link.
3. Click on radio button for Use me@yourdomain.net (the email address you use to log in) as the reply-to address, if you don't want to change the Reply To: address.
4. Click on the radio button next to Use the address below as the reply-to address, if you want to change the Reply To address.
5. Type the email address in the textbox you wish to be displayed in the From: field on your email messages. (Not necessary unless you want it to be different from the email address that goes with this account.)
6. Click on the Save button to implement.