Submit a CenturyLink Email Support Request

Important! If you are unable to access your email please do not submit a support form.
You will need to chat with our CenturyLink Email Support team between 9:00 - 6:00 CT Monday - Friday.
Thank you for being a CenturyLink Email Customer!

Please the 10-digit phone number used to create your account. (###-###-####)

Please let us know how we can assist you with your email-related issue. Enter the details of your request, and a member of our support team will respond by email within 72 hours. Kindly note that this form is exclusively for email issues.

Select device type

Please enter your Mobile Phone Number that can receive a text/SMS

Please enter your CenturyLink/Quantum account number

Important! If you are unable to access your email or need a password reset please do not submit a support form. You will need to chat with our CenturyLink Email Support team between 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET Monday - Friday. Thank you for being a CenturyLink Email Customer!

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