Looking for a specific email message? This email platform includes powerful search tools that allow you to search by sender, recipient, date, folder and other criteria. Here's how:
1. Click on the Search field next to the Search icon in the mid-upper right-hand section of your message inbox.
2. Type keywords or phrases in the Search text field.
3. Click on the drop-down arrow next to the Search field to define your search criteria.
4. Select the radio button next to enter the field you wish to search (From, To, Cc, Subject, Message headers or Full Message).
5. Click on the checkbox next to Date, and set the appropriate date using the dropdown menus, if you wish to search within a date range.
6. Click on the checkbox next to Size, and set the appropriate file size using the dropdown menus, if you wish to search within a file size range.
7. Click on the Message type dropdown menu, and select the type of messages you wish to search (the default is All Messages).
8. Click on the checkbox next to the appropriate folder in the Folders section, or click the top checkbox to select them all.
9. Click on the Search button.
Note: A list of messages that contain your search string will appear in the standard email folder format, separated by headers with the appropriate folder names.